Course title: ANIMAL HYGIENE
Semester: 5 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 15 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: There is a limit of 16 people registered for a particular course Biophysics, physiology, physiopathology, microbiology, animal breeding and nutrition.
Contact person: Anna Budny-Walczak
Short description: The lectures covers the impact of environmental conditions and maintenance systems on the health and productivity of farm animals. Issues of welfare and health of farm animals in the functional aspect, microclimate of animal housing facilities (UV radiation, lighting, temperature, humidity and air movement, the gas dopants, dust and noise). Methods used for formulating environmental conditions in animal housing facilities (ventilation, buildings heat balance and insulation and functionality of lairs), maintenance systems. As well as issues concerning biosecurity and animal transport conditions.
Full description: The influence of microclimate conditions (UV radiation, lighting, temperature, humidity, air movement, harmful gas dopants, dust and noise) on the health and productivity of animals. Methods of optimizing the environmental conditions in animal housing facilities (ventilation, buildings heat balance and insulation and functionality of lairs). Allowed livestock maintenance systems that take to account the ethical and legal aspects of welfare, biosecurity, animal hygiene and environmental protection. Principles of “Good Breeding Practices” in animal production and food safety. Methods of measurement and evaluation of environmental factors, quality assessment of housing conditions and welfare of farm animals.
Bibliography: 1. Sossidou E., Szucs E. Farm animal welfare, environment & food quality interaction studies. Wyd. Welfood Partners, 2007.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - knows and describes the correct conditions for farm animals - correctly describes the microclimatic and environmental parameters which may reduce the animal welfare - describes, explains and interprets the physical and chemical indicators of microclimate taking into account the methods of its optimalization Skills: - evaluates the animal welfare system and the conditions of animal transport in the name of welfare and biosecurity - correctly interprets the responsibility of a veterinarian in relation to the animal and its owner and in relation to society and the environment - use appropriate test equipment when collecting, processing and analysing information Social competences: - has a responsibility for the decisions to the people and animals - may critically evaluate their own and others' actions and improve proposed solutions - knows the importance of animal welfare in veterinary medicine
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Final evaluation is based on lectures material in the form of a test. Final evaluation consists in 50% of rating from practical classes and in 50% of rating from theoretical lectures. If student fails the final test he is alowed to repeat it in the second trial.

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